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31 Days of Gratitude

Want to supercharge and strengthen your gratitude process?

When we practice gratitude daily, it can really help to change the way we look at, and perceive things in our lives. But not only that, it can also help us to raise our vibrations to assist with manifesting everything we desire in life.

Elevate your manifestation power in this 31 day gratitude process, all you need is a notepad and pen!

This podcast consists of 31 x 5-10minute podcast episodes meaning you get around 3 hours of content in total, inlcuding journal prompts and thought provoking exercises for every single day.

What you'll learn:

  • How you can apply gratitude to the smallest of sitautions to maximise each experience in life
  • How to learn from difficulties and challenges that arise in your day to day activities and see them in a positive light
  • How to look inwards within yourself to see everything to be grateful for that you already posess

Once you sign up, the challenge is available for you to access forever. You can start this podcast whenever you like.